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Vulture Industries

Vulture Industries,  2024

Vulture Industries are the door in the metal matrix that leads to a strange but undeniably fascinating land. Layers of gothic, avant-garde, doom, and industrial metal form the musical terrain on which the five metalheads from Norway set progressive and experimental elements to music. Keyboard, trumpets, accordion and saxophone scatter striking sound patterns in the ground of sometimes driving, sometimes supporting riffs. Together with Bjørnar Erevik Nilsen’s clear vocals, the instrumental ensemble is more than ready for the stage.

Vulture Industries grew from the ashes of the gothic band Dead Rose Garden in 2004. Two highly acclaimed albums soon followed by “Dystopia Journals” and “The Malefactor's Bloody Register.” They continued their creative journey in mid-2023 on their fifth studio album “Ghosts from the Past.” The boys finally find their way back to Mount Moshmore - the origin of the Matrix! Enjoy the ride, Dong fans!

New Lords of Light

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