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Gloryful - Dong Open Air 2016

Gloryful,  2016

Gloryful from Essen are doing more than a decent job showing the German power metal capital Hamburg that they know how to dig up some steel. Founded around Johnny La Bomba, who’s never shy of hogging the limelight, and Shredmaster JB (Night in Gales) in 2010, the quintet is now more than half a decade and two albums wiser and deemed unstoppable! Particularly Gloryful’s live performances are a quite the highlight, because you can tell the guys live for their music, but don’t take themselves too seriously.

Their success speaks for itself, as Gloryful and their three-master “Ocean Blade” have cruised from battle to battle supporting well-known acts such as Powerwolf, Queensrÿche, and Bullet. Finally, all there is to say: Weigh the anchor and hoist the sails! Don’t miss out when Capt’n Carl McGuerkin takes you to the icy polar sea to make you part of the battle against the sea monster Sedna.

The Warrior's Code

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