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2023 motto and and going full throttle!

13.06. 2023

No Dong without a motto! This year, the motto is dedicated to the passion many of you feel as they anxiously await the festival on the Dong hill throughout the year. You can almost hear it, the “Call of the Mountain”!

Today, we proudly present the matching artwork – as always, a creation by the Dong cow creator and festival co-founder Bo Soremsky.

And along with this, we would like to give you the unshakeable message that the 21st Dong Open Air will take place! The recent weeks came with numerous cancellations of other festivals due to lacking ticket sales and uncertain continuations, which may have felt a little unsettling to some of you.
However, this does not change anything about us opening the gates to Mount Moshmore in one month. So far no band has cancelled on us (fingers crossed!) and we have one of the best ticket sales progressions in Dong history.

So, dust off that tent, stock up on ravioli and follow the Call of the Mountain!

Your Dong team