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The rules of the Moshbox

28.07. 2020

Dear Moshboxers,

Today, we're bringing you the instruction manual for the live shows that are coming up this weekend and take a first look at the location. With ISAAC VACUUM's "Void" as background ambience.

Go to our shop and get one of the few remaining tickets for the shows of Long Distance Calling or Rage or the additional Haggard show, so you actually need these instructions when you climb up our beloved Mount Moshmore!

The most important rules for the show are that you cannot come in groups with more than 10 people and that you must keep a distance of 1.5m or more to people who are not part of your group.

Hier zahlt es sich einmal mehr aus, dass wir auf der Halde nicht nur sehr viel Platz, sondern auch jeder Menge frische Luft zur Verfügung haben. Eine gute Durchlüftung sollte 102 m über dem Ruhrgebiet also gegeben sein. Im Freien besteht keine Verpflichtung einen Mund-Nasen-Schutz zu tragen, wo allerdings der Mindestabstand einmal doch nicht eingehalten werden kann, wird das tragen eines Mund-Nasen-Schutzes empfohlen. Once again, being on top of the hill will pay off. Not only do we have lots of space, but also a lot of fresh air at our disposal. A good ventilation should be a given at 102 m above the Ruhr area. Outside there is no obligation to wear mouth and nose protection, but if the minimum distance cannot be kept, it is recommended to wear one. In situations where this distance cannot be maintained, you need to wear a mask covering you mouth and nose. There will also be additional distance markings where necessary, which, of course, apply to you as well. Always keep a distance of 4m or more from the stage.

We want to make following the rules as easy as possible, so we'll be setting up a number of tables around which you can gather. A little comfort never hurt anyone. ;)

As long as you stick to the distance rules, you're also free to sit on the stone seating or the green slope of our little amphitheater. Don't forget your picnic blankets - of course, there will be a small selection of food and beverages available!

Please consider that any continuation of this concert concept is only possible if we all stick to the rules. Metalheads are known to be the people who immediately help up those who lie on the ground. Currently, the entire event and live concert industry is on the ground. So the better we are at keeping it together and adhering to the rules, the higher the chances of everyone getting back on their feet!

Regardless of all of this: of course, you can only attend with a ticket and the stage can only be seen with such a ticket. Tickets are available only at our online shop - there will be no tickets sales on site! Should you park your car behind gate/barrier at the foot of the hill, please note that this gate will be locked at midnight.

The weather is going to be amazing, and both Long Distance Calling and Haggard are two particularly atmospheric bands to be seen on such a fantastic backdrop. A backdrop that also doubles as the living room of our Ruhrpott thrashers Rage.

We are very excited for the four impressive concerts that we'll remember for days to come!

Your Dong Team