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Haggard - Dong Open Air 2016

Haggard,  2016

When “medieval” and death metal are mentioned in the same sentence, you cannot but think of Haggard. No one else is as proficient in the mix of renaissance music and hard riffs as this band and is also successful outside of Germany. Despite their popularity, there have only been very few opportunities to see Haggard live. This makes us look forward to the show of Asis Nasseri and his ensemble, who are going to break the “most people on stage simultaneously” record of the festival, even more.

Although the orchestra has only published four studio albums in their almost three decades of band history, these records represent milestones in regard to bombast and musical diversity. If we’re lucky, Haggard may just surprise us with a few songs of the album, “Grimm” that has been anticipated for the past four years. The album is going to use the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales as a thematic centerpiece. You’re in for a good surprise and get ready for a spectacle like the D.O.A has never seen!