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Hatesphere - Dong Open Air 2017

Hatesphere,  2017

After HateSphere already gave you your money’s worth on the Road to Dong, you should get yourself ready for a reunion with the death/thrash veterans at the D.O.A. The guys around the last remaining founding member, Peter Lyse Hansen, can barely wait to kick you where the sun don’t shine. We are stoked to see the guys again, who never let an lineup changes bring them down and always push to the front!

Not only fans of the leading genre acts like Arch Enemy and Carcass will find the ball of hate’s thrash show entertaining, as the Danish thrash/death metal act also feature bay area nuances in their repertoire. We probably shouldn’t have to mention the live qualities of the band. Come to the tent, start a gigantic circle pit, and have HateSphere blow some new holes in your finest metal outfit!

Smell of Death

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